Beyond Form is a home for writers and writing practices that are experimental, don’t fit or are devalued elsewhere. 

We believe that how we relate to form (human and more than) impacts our power to create, disrupt domination and experience different realities, and that playing with and queering form is a practice of liberation.

What we believe

What we do

We offer online workshops and courses, study and practice cohorts and mentoring programs that widen what’s possible for and in our writing. 

Coming up at Beyond Form

Where is my Dragon? Creative Resilience in Uncertain Times

with Supriya Rakesh

5th April

12-2.30pm (GMT, Zoom)

This session will be recorded and made available to all registrants.

When was the last time you encountered a dragon on your creative journey? Did it block your path or breathe fire onto your motivations?

Treading the creative path, navigating its uncertainties, often feels like being the protagonist of your own adventure story. We want to reach the treasure, but the journey is beset with dragons – challenges and barriers in the world outside and doubts and fears that live deep inside. How we meet these dragons matters. Do we fight or flee? Do we seek support from our tribe, our creative communities? Or do we find a way to accept and befriend the dragon?

To learn more about this course, please visit our current offerings page.

Got a question? Email us:

Meet Me in the Estuary: Writing as Ecotone

with Emily Fitzell

12th April

2-6pm (GMT, Zoom)

Conversing with artists whose work moves through open-ended bodies of water, we’ll feel together towards the estuarine as a means of writing into & beyond ourselves. Informed by critical approaches to the land water binary, we’ll experiment with ways to write with / in this ecotone - moving towards a sense of writing as an ecotone itself. If the estuary extends its own queer ecology, which is always something else, in excess of itself, in what ways do its brackish waters speak through & beyond process, dis-position & form? How might we conceive of our mouths as each others, in some way tidal?

The workshop will draw on specific bodies of water that have shaped its development, while extending invitations to engage with the liminal bodies of water that speak most to you.

To learn more about this course, please visit our current offerings page.

Got a question? Email us: